ELL Placement Exam & course resources

For access please contact yolanda.chang@blackgold.ca


English language arts and literature involves learning about historical aspects and contemporary applications of the English language through the interrelated strands of reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing. 


  • None

This course is set up for teacher use only. If you would like to enroll students please contact yolanda.chang@blackgold.ca.

*Course developed by LearnAlberta. Additional course resources shared by Marla Kniesel from Home-Based School


This course will allow students to describe how their own experiences and knowledge explain new ideas, information and situations. They will be able to show how they've interpreted ideas correctly by using examples. By skimming, scanning and listening to key words and phrases, they'll select creative ways to engage their audience.


  • None

*Course shared by Kristen Gilchrist from Home-Based School


This course will allow students to describe how their own experiences and knowledge explain new ideas, information and situations. They will be able to show how they've interpreted ideas correctly by using examples. By skimming, scanning and listening to key words and phrases, they'll select creative ways to engage their audience.


  • None

*Course shared by Kristen Gilchrist from Home-Based School


In Language Arts 6, students will enjoy a variety of learning experiences that will help them understand and use language confidently and competently. Students can use these skills and abilities to listen, speak, read, write, view and represent ideas and experiences.   


  • None

*Course shared by Kristen Gilchrist from Home-Based School


This course will allow students to apply the rules they've learned about spelling to figure out how new words are spelled. They'll take notes and create outlines that show logical flow of their thoughts, and they'll select good information sources to help them write about a specific topic, for a specific audience and purpose.


  • None

This course is set up for teacher use only. If you would like to enroll students please contact yolanda.chang@blackgold.ca.

*Course shared byPAVE

Description: (5 credits)

Knowledge and Employability English language arts highlights six language arts—listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing. Students engage all six language arts as they study texts and as they create their own texts in relevant situations for a variety of purposes and audiences. All of the language arts are interrelated and interdependent; proficiency in one strengthens and supports proficiency in the others.

The aim of English language arts is to enable each student to understand and appreciate language and to use it confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and learning purposes.


  • None

*Course created by Brad Hayes at Black Gold School Division

This course is set up for teacher use only. If you would like to enroll students please contact yolanda.chang@blackgold.ca.

*Course shared by Peace Wapiti School Division

Description: (5 credits)

English 10-1 offers a comprehensive examination of the fundamentals needed to succeed in academic English at the high school level. Students are taught to understand and use the terminology appropriate to the study of literature. 


  • Language Arts 9

*Course created by Michelle Haveroen from Black Gold School Division

Description: (5 credits)

English 10-2 is designed as a hands-on approach to literature.Topics range from techniques of advertising and analysis of television programs, including types of scheduling, to poetry and short stories. Book length studies offer selected novels and non-fiction. Various forms of written communication are taught with  emphasis on practical writing.


  • None

*Course created by Michelle Haveroen from Black Gold School Division

Description: (5 credits)

Knowledge and Employability English language arts highlights six language arts—listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing.


  • None

*Course created by Kelly Beaton from Black Gold School Division

Description: (5 credits)

English 20-1 focuses on further development of writing and reading skills with an academic emphasis. Course selections include novels, plays, short stories, essays and poetry that portray realistic views of the complexity of society. Students are encouraged to relate concepts and style to other works and contemporary issues.


  • English 10-1

*Course created by Michelle Haveroen from Black Gold School Division

Description: (5 credits)

English 20-2 provides continued development of English language communication skills with particular attention paid to written communication: personal responses, formal essays, journal entries and practical writing skills such as business letters. 


  • English 10-2 or 40%(or greater) in English 10-1

*Course created by Kelly Beaton with updates by Michelle Haveroen from Black Gold School Division

Description (5 credits):

Knowledge and Employability English language arts highlights six language arts—listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing.


  • ELA10-4

*Course created by Kelly Beaton from Black Gold School Division

Description: (5 credits)

English 30-1 is the final academic English course in the typical three-year high school program. Since it  prepares students for post-secondary study, this course focuses on honing students’ skill in the use and understanding of the English language and its literature. This is a diploma course where students will write a government exam for 50% of their mark.


  • English 20-1

*Course created by Emily Lutze from Black Gold School Division.

Description: (5 credits) 

English 30-2 is primarily a functional English course. The major focus of the course is to reinforce the students’ practical reading, writing, listening and viewing skills. This is a diploma course where students will write a government exam for 50% of their mark.


  • English 20-2 or 40% (or greater) in English 20-1

*Course created by Emily Lutze from Black Gold School Division.