Students learn the how and why of producing agriculture/horticulture products, providing related services, and supporting sustainable development and efficient use of natural resources. 


AGR 1040: Animal Basics is designed to help you identify and demonstrate the basic steps involved in raising and caring for a dog or cat. By successfully completing this course you will gain an understanding of the different aspects of providing general care to ensure a animal health and well-being


  • None

All course materials are © 2021 The Alberta SPCA. Permission is granted to make copies of any or all parts of this resource for educational, not-for-profit use in schools and classrooms only. Every effort has been made to acknowledge sources used in this resource. We will be pleased to make the necessary correction in the event of questions arising as to the use of any material. Students should be aware that external websites offered as citations and/or sources for further information may have changed or disappeared between the time this was written and when it is used. Use of materials from those sites is subject to that site owner’s copyright.


In this course students learn about the basic sanitary practices and mechanics involved in the initial stages of designing a simple floral arrangement.


  • None

*Course Developed and Shared with BGSD by Pam Dedora (Wild Rose School Division)


Students apply the principles of animal science and health technology in providing care for a domestic animal.


  • AGR1040: Introduction to Animal Basics
  • AGR3000: Agriculture Safety

The online course material were developed by the Alberta SPCA


Students develop practical skills, based on approved practices, for providing the daily care of a horse, focusing on the origin and history of horses, anatomy and conformation, types and breeds, handling and feeding practices, and basic health care.

Prerequisite: AGR3000: Agriculture Safety

Access to a horse and appropriate equine housing/fencing structures. 

It is recommended that students have a minimum of 50 hours of previous experience in horse handling and horse care prior to commencing the study of this course. Students must have access to instruction from an individual with specialized training and/or experience related to horsemanship and/or English or Western riding.

The online course material were developed by the Alberta SPCA.


Students recognize and assess the hazards and manage the risks of working in agriculture.


  • None

*Course Developed by Job Safety Skills Society and Shared by Rocky View Schools


Students develop practical skills, based on approved practices, for providing the daily care of a horse. Attention will focus on the use of physical facilities, procedures for stall cleaning and bedding a horse, guidelines for turnout and shelter, reproductive fundamentals and techniques, and basic horsemanship.

Prerequisite: AGR2070: Equine 1

Access to a horse and appropriate equine housing/fencing structures.

Access to a horse and appropriate equine housing/fencing structures.

It is recommended that students have a minimum of 50 hours of previous experience in horse handling and horse care prior to commencing the study of AGR2070: Equine 1 and AGR3070: Equine 2. Students must have access to instruction from an individual with specialized training and/or experience related to horsemanship and/or English or Western riding.

*The online course material were developed by the Alberta SPCA.