
The focal point of Aboriginal Studies 10-20-30 is the wealth and diverse nature of Aboriginal languages and cultures.  It reflects a perspective that encompasses and integrates the past, present and future of Aboriginal peoples.

Aboriginal Studies 10 is based on the perspectives and worldviews of Aboriginal peoples.  It includes the study of traditions and history of Aboriginal peoples in Canada, and particularly in Alberta.

The four themes for the course are:

  • Origin and Settlement Patterns
  • Aboriginal Worldviews
  • Political and Economic Organization
  • Aboriginal Symbolism and Expression

Prerequisite: There is no pre-requiste for this course.

*Course created by Michelle Haveroen from Black Gold School Division

Course Description:

Aboriginal Studies 20 focuses on indigenous people from a Canadian and Alberta perspective. It includes the study of policies, legislation, conflict and cultural change. The four themes in Aboriginal Studies 20 are:

  • The Métis: Conflict and Cultural Change
  • Treaties and Cultural Change
  • Legislation, Policies and Cultural Change
  • Schooling and Cultural Change.


It is recommended that Aboriginal Studies 10–20–30 be studied in sequence; i.e., Aboriginal Studies 10 is a prerequisite to Aboriginal Studies 20, and Aboriginal Studies 20 is a prerequisite to Aboriginal Studies 30.  

*Course created by Michelle Haveroen from Black Gold School Division

Description: Students will gain a greater understanding of the current issues facing Aboriginal peoples worldwide. Aboriginal Studies 30 enables students to demonstrate an understanding of the issues of Aboriginal rights and self-government, Aboriginal land claims, Aboriginal peoples in Canadian society and Aboriginal world issues.

Prerequisite: It is recommended that Aboriginal Studies 10–20–30 be studied in sequence; i.e., Aboriginal Studies 10 is a prerequisite to Aboriginal Studies 20, and Aboriginal Studies 20 is a prerequisite to Aboriginal Studies 30.

*Course created by Michelle Haveroen from Black Gold School Division