Description: Students analyze the historical development of at least one specific sport, including an in-depth analysis of the rules of play. Students analyze the roles and responsibilities of officials in sport and demonstrate officiating skills for a specific sport in simulated scenarios and actual practices and games.

Note: This course may be combined with a practicum course to achieve a credential to officiate a specific sport if the requirements of the specific sport association are met.

Prerequisite: None

*Course developed and shared by Aspenview School Division.

Description: Students explore the structure and function of community, amateur and professional sport organizations. The impact of sport organizations and events on society is also examined.

Prerequisite: None

*Course developed and shared by Aspenview School Division.

HSS1020 - Nutrition and Wellness

Description: Students learn the importance of nutrition and hydration for the promotion and maintenance of physical, emotional and social health and wellness throughout life. Students evaluate food and supplement choices, the effects of activity on nutritional requirements and the use of labels to improve daily nutritional intake at all ages.

Prerequisite: None


Description: Students apply basic training and movement principles to health related and performance-related components of fitness training. Students create fitness activities and develop a basic individual fitness plan to achieve goals for health-related and performance-related components.

Prerequisite: None


Description: Students develop project design and management skills to extend and enhance competencies and skills in other CTS courses through contexts that are personally relevant.

Prerequisite: None

*Course developed and shared by Rockyview School Division.